In de huurtarieven van Four Seasons zijn een aansprakelijkheidsverzekering tot CA$ 5,000,000 en een diefstal- en schadeverzekering inbegrepen. Het eigen risico bedraagt CA$ 750 per gebeurtenis exclusief lokale belasting. Indien u bij boeking de CDW heeft afgesloten, of deze afsluit bij het ophalen van de camper, is het eigen risico beperkt tot CA$ 0.

Onderstaand vindt u de uitgebreide verzekeringsvoorwaarden. Deze tekst is in het Engels, om een eventuele verkeerde interpretatie te voorkomen. Mocht u vragen hebben dan kunt u contact met ons opnemen.

Liability Coverage

Four Seasons RV Rentals maintains liability coverage on all its rental vehicles to a maximum of CAD $5,000,000.00 for any bodily injury and property damage liability claims arising from the operation or use of its rental vehicles, provided all safety instructions as recommended by Four Seasons RV Rentals have been followed. Premiums for this Basic public liability coverage are included in all rental rates, which also include premiums for collision insurance and comprehensive insurance. Reduction and waiver agreements are subject to the express terms of this rental contract and are null and void if any of the terms of the rental agreement are breached.

CDR – Collision Deductible Reduction Agreement

Collision deductible reducer provides the following benefits:

  • Optional CDR reduces the renter’s responsibility for damages from CAD $7,500.00 to CAD $750.00 per occurrence (exceptions are listed under clause #4).
  • CDR will guarantee the renter a replacement vehicle when the renter’s vehicle becomes inoperable due to damage, even if the renter is at fault (unless the damage is a direct result of negligence, misuse, violation of restrictions or if a ticket has been issued by police that indicates dangerous or reckless driving). The replacement vehicle will be delivered to a location agreed upon by Four Seasons RV Rentals and the renter and will be dispatched within 24 hours from the time the renter notifies Four Seasons RV Rentals that the renter’s vehicle has become inoperable. Delivery will be limited to a province/state, which borders the province in which the renter took delivery of the renter’s vehicle. Four Seasons RV Rentals is not obliged to deliver van conversions, CLarge or C-XLarge motorhomes to the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Newfoundland, Labrador or Alaska. Any expenses for accommodation, food etc. are the renter’s responsibility if the damage or breakdown is the renter’s fault.
  • Damages and deductibles are subject to applicable taxes.
  • In case the CDR is not purchased, Four Seasons RV Rentals reserves the right to block the full deductible amount of $7,500 on the customer’s credit card (VISA, MC or AMEX).
  • Following damages are covered under the CDR Reduction agreement (see exceptions under clause #4):
  • Motor vehicle accidents / Collision (including roof and underbody);
  • Hit and Run / Vandalism / Vehicle theft / Fire;
  • Damage due to break ins;
  • Tire damages;
  • Windshield damage;
  • General glass damage;
  • Impact with an animal;
  • Damages caused by back-up maneuvers;
  • Damages caused as a result of a natural disaster (hail, floods, storms);
  • Damages to the interior of the vehicle;
  • Replacement cost for lost keys or keys locked inside the vehicle.
CDW – Collision Deductible Waiver Agreement

CDW reduces the renter’s responsibility for damages covered by the CDR agreement from CAD $750.00 to ZERO. This agreement is available only in combination with the CDR agreement. The following damages are covered under CDW with $0.- (ZERO) deductible (exceptions are listed under clause #4):

  • Motor vehicle accidents / Collision (including roof and underbody);
  • Hit and Run / Vandalism / Vehicle theft / Fire;
  • Damage due to break ins;
  • Tire damages;
  • Windshield damage;
  • General glass damage;
  • Impact with an animal;
  • Damages caused by back-up maneuvers;
  • Damages caused as a result of a natural disaster (hail, floods, storms);
  • Damages to the interior of the vehicle;
  • Replacement cost for lost keys or keys locked inside the vehicle.
Exceptions to all coverage
  • Damage was caused as a result of negligence / willful damage;
  • Damage was caused as a result of people using the vehicle without permission (not registered on the rental agreement);
  • Failure to maintain proper fluid levels;
  • Damages caused by using the wrong fuel or wrong fluids;
  • Failure to maintain proper tire pressure;
  • Damage due to misuse of the brakes (overheating), transmission or any other parts of the power train;
  • Damage due to violation of restricted travel areas (see clause #21 in our terms & conditions);
  • Damages caused by ignoring height restrictions and other road signs;
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or other substances;
  • Damages caused as a result of travelling on ice roads;
  • Damages caused as a result of the use of snow chains;

Charges for towing or recovery of a vehicle not arranged through Roadside Assistance (Ford / Dodge / Chevrolet) are not covered under the CDR or CDW agreement unless the renter can prove that contact with Ford / Dodge / Chevrolet was established and service was declined.

Theft, loss or damage of personal property and personal injuries are the renter’s responsibility.

Travel Restrictions
  • Travel into Mexico is prohibited;
  • Travel in Death Valley, California, is prohibited between June 1 and August 31;
  • Non-public roads and off-road driving is prohibited at all times;
  • Four Seasons does not allow the vehicle to be left unattended by renter in the city of Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa and New York. Failure to do so will void the insurance coverage and make the renter liable in case of theft and/or damages.
  • Restrictions are in place for the following Northern roads:
  • British Columbia: Hwy 20 between Anahim Lake and Bella Coola – not allowed with C-XLarge Motorhomes
  • Yukon: Canol Road (Hwy 6), North of Ross River – no insurance coverage
  • Yukon: Aishihik Lake Road – no insurance coverage
  • Yukon: Road between Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek – no insurance coverage
  • Alaska: Dalton Highway (Hwy 11), – Restriction in place between Coldfoot and Prudhoe Bay. No insurance coverage
  • Alaska: McCarthy Road, between Chitina and McCarthy – no insurance coverage

Four Seasons RV Rentals RV LP DBA FOUR SEASONS RV RENTALS reserves the right to limit travel on any roads or road sections based on changing conditions. Terms regarding vehicle replacement in case of breakdowns or accidents which are outlined in our insurance conditions do not apply to the above mentioned roads.

Yukon Alaska 2018

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